If you tuned in to our webinar last week, you’d already know the answer to this question. If blog-reading is more your speed, this is the post for you. Last week, we announced a brand new feature for our subscribers called RoofSnap Credits. Although it sounds like the hottest new crypto-currency, it’s actually our way of bringing the high-resolution imagery from our partners at Nearmap to you… for free.
Intrigued? We thought so, read on and we’ll answer your questions.

How do I get RoofSnap Credits?
Great question! For the month of October, we’re giving away RoofSnap credits as a celebration and experiment rolled into one. First, we want to show our appreciation to our current subscribers by giving them free access to HD imagery. Secondly, we want to see how our subscribers use their credits. Our plan is to make them a part of subscriptions permanently.

You’ll see your Credit Balance when you select the imagery for your next project.
How do I get MORE Credits?
We’ll be finalizing the details in the near future, but our plan is to provide credits with every subscription plan going forward. Your credit balance will replenish whenever your plan renews or you add a new user. Your credit balance will be shared with all users on your plan with no worries about shifting credits from one user to another. If you’re a monthly subscriber, your balance will roll-over from month to month.
How much is a credit worth?
A RoofSnap credit has no inherent monetary value. We’re simply using it as a way to give our users access to Nearmap imagery! That being said, our normal price for one Nearmap image is $5, so you can do the math and see the savings yourself.
Can we trade our RoofSnap Credits for anything?
At this time, we’re only allowing our users to redeem their credits for HD imagery. As we move forward, we may find other uses for them. That being said, there’s nothing we can do if you wanted to get some custom chocolate coins made with our logo and attempt to barter goods and services with them. In the spirit of the season we’d suggest just giving them away like we are, but if hoarding is more your thing, more power to you.
f you have more questions about credits, feel free to comment below! If you’d like to talk to us about finding a plan with the right number of credits for your company’s needs, email our support staff or call us at 877-766-3762. If you’ve read this whole article and still feel lost, maybe a demo would clear things up for you! You can schedule that here.
Until next week, Happy Snapping!