We’ve got App Overload!

We’re going to try not to sound too old and crotchety in this blog post, but there are simply TOO MANY options for business software today. Between CRMs, social media management platforms, and industry-specific softwares like RoofSnap, we have so many login credentials we’ve run out of post-it notes to keep them on. (Just kidding, we’re much more secure with our passwords than that.) But with all the sites and services we use, our favorite trend in tech right now is when our various applications work together, and we’re going to pass on some of our stand-outs to you this week


Job Nimbus Zapier integration with RoofSnap

One of our favorite examples of a software that make dealing with other software easier is Zapier. If your work has you dealing with a lot of emailed documents, big file transfers, or pretty much anything that involves apps, files, or the internet, Zapier probably has a workflow available that will make your life easier. They essentially allow you to create If/Then statements that connect different services in your life. So if you get a message through Gmail that has a document attached, you can have a “Zap” that saves that document to your Dropbox account without you even opening the email! Setting up tasks is relatively simple and you can get a good sense of the utility from their free version.

Another major task in any contemporary company is managing customer relationships. There are a plethora of CRMs out there, and more every day it seems, but our favorite is HubSpot. On top of the CRM itself being FREE to use, they also allow you to pick the portions of their services that you’d like to add. Don’t need marketing tools? Leave them out! Find yourself needing to work on the service side of your business? Add their service hub!

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We use HubSpot for our social media and landing page management, and being able to post things (like this blog) to multiple outlets with scheduling controls is invaluable to our marketing team. Also the metrics we can pull from our marketing emails, customized landing pages, and contacts help keep us effective and responsive to our customers needs.

Finally, we wouldn’t be much of a tech company if we didn’t internalize the integration trend into our own services. Here at RoofSnap we love to find ways to make our software’s API work with the systems that our customers already have in place, to make their work easier and more efficient. We also strive to make RoofSnap a tool that takes care of all the needs a roofing contractor or adjuster has. We tie all the measurements you obtain in our software, DIY Sketches or turnkey SketchOS report orders, directly to the products and pricing in your RoofSnap account. That way when you’ve finished measuring your project, you can complete an estimate for your client in minutes and send a material order to your supplier right after that! It’s those digital shortcuts that we love to see in other softwares and offer to you in RoofSnap.


If you’re curious about any of the software we’ve mentioned about above, or you have a CRM or platform you’d like RoofSnap to play nice with, we’re always ready for new challenges. Drop our support team a line at Support@RoofSnap.com with your ideas and questions! And as always, if you have a site or software you think fits the integration theme of this blog, leave us a comment! (We love hearing new ways to make technology do our jobs.)

International Roofing Expo Tradeshow

IRE 2022 Key Takeaways

IRE 2022 has come and gone and we’ve walked away with a few takeaways on how to lower your footprint as a roofing business, diversify your workforce, and assist homeowners in need.

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