Measuring Roofs with Drones and RoofSnap

Drones have become a game-changer in the roofing industry. They’ve captured attention for their ability to make roof inspections safer and more efficient. The allure of using a high-tech flying camera to minimize the risks of climbing onto roofs is undeniable. Especially for those of us at RoofSnap who have always been fascinated by remote-controlled helicopters.

Unlike the expensive and challenging helicopters from our childhood, today’s drones have made our dreams a reality. Now, it’s time to justify investing in this advanced “toy” by exploring the genuine business benefits it offers. With drone roof measuring software and drone software for measuring roofs, the process of visual roof inspections and capturing images has never been more precise.

The ability to provide precise measurements ensures that even the most meticulous tasks are handled with ease, ultimately making a compelling case for their business value. Explore more at RoofSnap.

Why buy a drone for your roofing company?

  • Inspect difficult to access roof sections & reduce time spent in the “danger zone”
  • Create detailed aerial measurement reports
  • Create professional quality footage of your projects that you can use later in your marketing material
  • Make a lasting impression on your customers & close more sales
  • Have fun at work & trick everyone into thinking you are a serious professional and not a big kid with a new toy

Drones can create detailed diagrams and a detailed map of residential roofs. They capture imagery to generate a comprehensive roof report. Through drone-based roof inspections, they can offer precise roof measurements and rooftop measurements. This is essential for accurate estimates and identifying roof damage.

a person who is controlling a drone with a remote looking up from a driveway

Now that you’ve convinced your accountant, business partner, boss etc. that you need a drone. Here’s what you need to know…

Step 1: Picking The Right Drone

There are a ton of options out there & the truth is, we’re not experts on everything drone. We’ve never built a drone from a kit nor have we setup our own video up-link & have no intentions of doing so. We wanted something that was ready to fly right out of the box….we chose the biggest consumer drone company out there, DJI.

They make a couple of excellent drones that are a great place to start.

1) The DJI Phantom 3 & 4: (About $1,000 – $1,500) The current DJI Phantom 4 & the earlier DJI Phantom 3 are cost effective & capable drones that will get you up & running in minutes. (We had a Phantom 2, which was great as well but the camera had a wide angle lens and required lens correction before getting accurate roof measurements from the image. The newer models don’t have this issue, making the aerial imagery ideal to use with our software.)

2) The DJI Inspire: (About $3,500) The Inspire is a professional grade flying camera that’s a step above the Phantom. If you have the budget, the Inspire will do everything you want & more.

Of course, there are a ton of other options out there but we’ll stick to the ones we know. Here are a couple of things to look for if you wander off the beaten path…

  • Capable of High Altitude: You’ll need a drone that’s capable of flying to about 400 feet, which is the maximum allowed by the FAA. This height is necessary to reduce any perspective distortion on the image in order to get accurate measurements.
  • Camera That Can Look Straight Down: Some of the less expensive drones can’t actually tilt the camera straight down to get a direct overhead shot of the roof. Straight shots are needed in order to get correct measurements from the drone.
  • Battery Life: You should be able to get 20 minutes or more out of a battery. You don’t want the charge to run out in the middle of a roof inspection & spare batteries are usually pricey. Make sure you get plenty of flying time on a charge.
  • Capable of Handling Wind: You’ll want something that can still fly when it’s a bit breezy. A well built drone with powerful motors should be able to fly on most days.
  • HD Video Uplink: You’ll want to see HD video of exactly what the drone is seeing. This makes flying easier & allows you to spot trouble areas on the roof.
  • GPS Guidance: It is amazingly convenient to fly a drone with GPS. When you let go of the controls, it should stay pretty much where you left it.

Step 2: Getting Some Practice

So you just purchased a $3,500 Inspire drone & are excited to inspect your first roof with it. Here’s how to reduce your chance of bouncing it off of a roof on your first flight in front of a customer & save yourself the cost & shame of a crash.

(I won’t point fingers, but someone here in the office still has not been able to live down the embarrassing crash of our old Phantom 2.)

Little quad rotor drones can be found on Amazon for about $20 & the basic controls are the same as the big ones. They’re surprisingly rugged & can be bounced off of the walls in your house or office dozens of times before being damaged. They’re also MUCH harder to fly. Once you’ve successfully piloted one of these around your living room, you’ll be amazed at how easy the big ones are.

Step 3: Legal Stuff

The FAA recently released some new laws affecting drone flight. Be sure to check out our recent blog or download the PDF at

Step 4: Use RoofSnap To Get Roof Measurements

All that’s left is to measure & estimate the roof using RoofSnap. Here’s a quick video on how to use drone imagery in our roof measurement software…

image property

Common Usecases for our Drone Roof Measuring Software

Service Description
Solar panel installations Ensures precise roof measurements and optimal placement, allowing users to capture images for maximum energy efficiency for a solar panel installation project.
Assessing Potential Damage Quickly identifies signs of wear and roof damage, providing a clear view of the damaged area for immediate evaluation and necessary repairs.
Insurance claims Expedites the claims process by delivering detailed visual data and measurements, allowing users to capture images that aid insurance adjusters in making informed decisions.
Safety Significantly enhances safety by reducing the need for manual rooftop inspections, minimizing the risk of accidents for inspectors and contractors.
Visual inspection Delivers high-resolution imagery that surpasses the clarity of traditional methods, providing a clear view of roof conditions.
Measure roofs Provides roofing contractors with precise and reliable data, allowing users to calculate and plan projects accurately.
Properly assess layout Assists professionals in conducting detailed evaluations of roof conditions, supporting accurate and effective maintenance and repair strategies with powerful features.

Drone technology transforms the roofing industry by offering innovative solutions for roof assessment and inspection. It provides efficiency and helps you make an accurate estimate on a roofing project.

Contact RoofSnap

Request information or join a free trial from RoofSnap today to explore how our cutting-edge drones offer unparalleled efficiency and accuracy in roofing.

Our intuitive drone software for roof measurements is designed for ease of use. It allows users to gather precise data without the hassle of manual measurements.

Discover how a drone roof can provide exact calculations of square footage and surface area. All to streamline your workflow and enhance productivity.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your business—reach out to RoofSnap now to learn more.

Roofing Business Requirements

Lately, we’ve been talking about what it takes to be a well-connected, well-represented small business in our blogs. As we’ve been building our own new

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