Document Deep Dive: Pre Start Checklist

It’s not very often your customers are getting their roofs replaced. When it does happen, make sure the process is as streamlined as possible by using a Pre-Start Checklist. By using a pre-start checklist, you can communicate with your clients about the steps they need to take before you begin work on their home. If you’re asking yourself “what is a pre-start checklist?”, read on. We’ll dive into what companies typically include in this type of document, and how you can use RoofSnap to build and deliver your pre-starts to customers with ease.Document Deep Dive: Pre-Start Checklist

What is a Pre-Start Checklist?

Let’s start by getting our terms straight. At its most basic, a pre-start checklist is a list of preparations the homeowner needs to accomplish before work can start on their property. Most contractors use the checklist to remind clients to cut their grass, cover their pool, move patio furniture, and unlock gates for the crew.A sample Pre-Start Checklist in RoofSnap

A sample Pre-Start Checklist in RoofSnap.

While meant to prepare the home, a pre-start checklist can be a perfect way to prepare the homeowner mentally for work starting. As it can be a little disruptive to have a crew climbing on your house, tearing off shingles and nailing new ones on, a little mental preparation on the homeowners part can help. The checklist can also serve to protect your company from liability if the homeowner doesn’t take action on the list. That’s why RoofSnap allows you to capture the homeowner’s signature on the pre-start checklist, certifying they’ve read and received the document.

How RoofSnap handles your Pre-Start Checklist

In RoofSnap, the pre-start checklist can be fully customized to meet your company’s needs. Add whatever terms your company uses to the pre-start field in your account at, and you’ll be able to use those terms to generate pre-start checklists for future RoofSnap projects.

Edit your pre-start in your account.
Edit your pre-start in your account.

On the notes page of your project, you can edit your company’s boilerplate pre-start checklist to cover project-specific issues, like removing holiday lights or prepping a delivery area for materials. Remember, the checklist will help cover your company if the homeowner doesn’t prepare their property for work. Training your crew to make detailed notes of necessary preparations can save you headaches in the long run.

Delivering Your Pre-Start Checklist to the Customer

When you’re ready to deliver the pre-start to your client, you have some options. RoofSnap lets you print out a copy for your customer to physically sign, or the document can be signed electronically from a phone, tablet, or laptop. After you have their signature, it’s a good idea to give the homeowner an extra copy so they can cross their tasks off before work starts. Many of our customers also send a copy to their crew so they can make sure the property is prepared before they start working to avoid running into issues.

A pre-start checklist can save you and your client avoidable headaches during the roofing process. We hope that by making it easier to build and deliver the checklist, more of the industry will adopt it as a best practice. If you have questions on using RoofSnap to create your pre-start checklist, we’re happy to help. Schedule a demo with our team, and we’ll show you how our software can help your company operate faster and safer.

Happy Snapping!

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