What You See in Your RoofSnap Demo

When you’re shopping around for new equipment for your company, whether that be new ladders, a new truck, or new software, it’s a good idea to take it for a test-drive. Getting a feel for what you’ll be buying is vital, so you don’t end up with something that doesn’t meet your needs. That’s why RoofSnap offers free, online demos that you can schedule on your time, and since they’re digital, you can bring your team members too! We’ll detail what you’ll see during your demo, in this week’s blog.

RoofSnap Demo Blog Header

Your Measurement Options

The first thing we’ll show you in your demo is how to use RoofSnap for your measurements. RoofSnap is different from other roofing software in that you can measure for yourself or have our team of experts measure for you through our measurement service, SketchOS!

We’ll show you how you can use our measurement tools to quickly and accurately measure roofs from drone footage, blueprints, or HD aerial imagery at no additional cost. We’ll also show you how you can place SketchOS orders for any address you’re looking to measure. You’ll also see that with RoofSnap, it doesn’t matter how you get your measurements, they all plug directly into our estimation platform.

Estimates Are This Easy?

The next stage of your demo will cover how you build estimates in RoofSnap. Like we said earlier, your project’s measurements are applied directly to your materials, so when you choose what shingle you want on the job, RoofSnap already knows how many bundles you’ll need. That goes for items like nail coils, wall flashing, and drip edge flashing too. You’ll also see how you can input your pricing for all your materials, so your estimates are customized and accurate for your company.

RoofSnap's Modern Comparison Estimate
Schedule a demo to see how easy it is to build side-by-side estimates like the one above!

What Your Customer Gets

After you see how to construct your estimates, you’ll get a glimpse at how RoofSnap is going to clean up the paperwork that’s on your desk. Your material orders, contracts, and any report you can think of is pre-built in RoofSnap, and customizable with your company logo and language. You’ll see how you can create a roofing contract that’s ready to sign with a click of a button, and we can show you how to sign it digitally too!

There’s a lot of documents in RoofSnap, so if your company relies heavily on labor reports to tell the crew exactly what to do on a job, make sure to ask your demo-leader to show you the specifics. We tailor your demo session to fit your needs, so don’t be afraid to come with questions about our features. And if you’re wanting to dig deeper into a certain feature, RoofSnap subscriptions come with free and unlimited training to make sure that you’re getting the most out of our software.

Something else to note, since we conduct  all of our demos online, you don’t need to worry about driving to our office. In times like these, we’re all getting much more comfortable with virtual calls. Besides the travel and safety advantages, online meetings also provide the flexibility to have your whole team see the software demo together, so you stay on the same page.

If this post has you ready to jump in and see RoofSnap for yourself, schedule a demo here or at the link below! Our calendars are open, but they fill up fast, so make sure to schedule a time that works best for you.

Hope to see you on demo soon,

Happy Snapping!