RoofSnap at the 2018 MRCA Convention

We had a great time at the MRCA convention this year. From the Indy race games at the ABC Supply booth to the fastest shingler contest, there was a lot to look at and a lot of good conversations had. We loved getting a chance to see some of our long-time customers out in Nebraska and meet some new customers as well. Take a look at some of our pictures of the event!


Katrina and Ken Wesely finally got to meet face to face!


Jesse and Jason demo’d the software to MRCA attendees.


The Malarkey fastest shingler contest was a battle of different styles.




 The MRCA Metal Shop had impressive live fabrication going on.


We didn’t get the fastest times, but we put up some good numbers in ABC’s Indy simulator.


Did you stop by the booth? Expect to see a lot of RoofSnap shades floating around the Omaha area this year.

20181025_221750_HDRThe Chi Health Conference center was a beautiful venue.


Thanks to everyone who came by and checked out the software, we look forward to working with you all!

We love getting out and meeting people in the industry. If you didn’t make it to the MRCA this year, catch us at the IRE in Nashville or SVG’s Win the Storm in 2019!

Roofing 101: Pitch Finding

The pitch of a roof is one of the most important considerations in your project. Why is determining roof pitch so vital? Well, it’s a

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