Documents Deep Dive: Contracts

“Getting down to brass tax”, “sealing the deal”, “signing on the dotted line”— whatever you call the end of your sales process, it’s a crucial step. That’s why RoofSnap makes building, revising, signing, and sharing your roofing contracts as easy as possible. We’ll take you on a tour of what shows up on your contract, […]

RoofSnap’s High-Definition Imagery

If you’ve used a map software like Google Earth in the last couple of years, you know that they’re not always up to date. When you’re trying to scout a job site or measure a roof remotely, you’re relying on your imagery source to reflect the site’s current conditions. Stale images can leave you with […]

Effectively Measuring Pitch

If you’ve ever listened to a child play a recorder, then you know that pitch is key to a good rendition of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”. While an off-pitch recorder can hurt your ears, bad pitch values can destroy your roof measurements’ accuracy. Over-ordering or under-ordering materials from inaccurate measurements can cause a job’s […]

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